These are some of my new TipTop Eurorack synth modules.
I wasn't planning on adding these to my fledgling CCCL modular system... just yet. My original plan was to use my current funds to buy a new MacPro (to replace our old & failing G5). However, Apple still haven't released their new MacPro models and I found the temptation to get these to strong to resist. Now I just need to start saving for that new MacPro again…
The next modules to be included in the system will be of the self-built DIY variety - and a couple more TipTop modules... coz they're fantastic!
Sound examples will follow in the coming months.
New video clip here: http://www.vimeo.com/13883538
I am not affiliated with, or sponsored by TipTop in any way, I just really like their wonderfully versatile modules. tiptopaudio.com